Motorcycle Accessories ZS190 Engine CNC Aluminum Shift Lever For Motorcycle ATV Dirt Pit Bike Motocross Off Road Racing Bike


SKU: 1005007767323648 Categoría:


Motorcycle Accessories ZS190 Engine CNC Aluminum Shift Lever For Motorcycle ATV Dirt Pit Bike Motocross Off Road Racing Bike

Product Description:

–Condition: 100% brand new

–Quantity: 1 piece

–Material: 6061-T6 aluminum

–Color: as shown in the picture

– high quality

– Easy to install

–Forged shifter with CNC machined folding lever tip

–Knurled shifter tip designed for anti-slip shifting

–Lighter and stronger than stock levers

–Direct OEM replacement and upgrade

— Package Included:

1 gear lever


General KTM Yamaha Kawasaki Honda Suzuki etc.

Universal for most motorcycles ATV dirt bikes MX motocross

Please check the size before ordering

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